
Monday, August 9, 2010

1) Past tense: to express an action

revolutionized ,unsolicited, prompted ,found, posted

2) Adjective: a describing word .its usually describes a noun or a pronoun.
Examples: redefined, smooth, fast, accessible, one’s,possibly,what,greather,this,powerful,level,
certain,large,inaccurate,graphic,selfish,malicious,dangerous,minors,ugly,only,irresponsible,incorrect, unidentified,Japanese ,corporate,safe,ever,number,never,worthy,secret,which,young,difficult,expensive,individuals,involved,persistent,violence.

3) Adverb:an adverbs modified the meaning of the verb, an adjective or another adjective.
Examples: virthnally.never,before,do,however,more,that,to,regardless,how,even,this,where,not,also,crippied,when, buy,out,probably,successfully,without,time.

4) Plural: more than one.
Example : angers, levels, schools, parents, childs, others, posts, circulates, datas, computers

5) Singular:the form of the word which express only one.
Examples : arrival, has, comunication, one, society, space, rumous, organisation, it, wave.

6) Noun :To show things,names
Examples : arrival,has,communications,one,society,space,has,rumours,organization,netizers,it,waves Student, organization , individuals, criticsm, handle, channel,irresponsible, users, champion, causes,character, assassioncetions, set up, ideas, today,webpage, dog, business, campanies, nations, stake, telephone, line, examples, source, giant, software, company, apple, computers, today, access,data, user, email, cyber,culture, communications, works, UK, British, victims, manager, items, mail,
accounts, address, sales person, pornography, grave, parents, subject, justifications,crimes,internet,mankind, effect, legacy, command, audience, information, net, library,
world,password, increasing, indication, hackers, analyzer, top, capable, virus, damage, Turkey, talents, like, governments, banks, risks, commitment.

7)Pronouns : a word used in place of a noun or name to avoid repetition or clumsiness
Examples :This, there, any, it, some, their, most, all, who, themselves, they.

8)Conjunction : Joining the sentences, phrases.
Examples : And, than, however, that, while, for, or, but, with, which, since

9) Preposition : Show a relationship between places, people and things.
Examples : Of, to, at, on, in, from, and, by, via, with, into, beside, after, for

10 ) Articles : comprise three word namely "a" "an" "the".
Example : a , the, an

11) Present participle : is a verb that used to name actions . Each main verb has 4 form S there are
                                         - Base form eg: speak
                                         - Past form eg: spoke
                                         - Past participle eg : spoken
                                         - Present participle eg: speaking
Present participle                    Present perfact tense                       Present continous tense
Example : damaging                Example : created                           Example : are handling

12) Present tense : used for - habitual action
                                              - instruction and direction
                                              - discribe feeling and sense
                                              - shows a future action
                                              - after "if" and "unless" in expression which show a condition
Examples : has, become, go, are

13) Verb : a word that expresses action or doing of some kind. It may also include a state of being.
Examples :Gives, roasted, aids, organizations, student, information, research,
need, generated, own, be, may, publish, gets, eat, claimed, damaging, is, files,
spreading, make, operate, realizing, become, threaten, engulf, fielded, considered,
overload, way, display, mutilation, features, site,

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